Join the European Crowdsourcing Campaign for Public Transport of the CIVITAS CIPTEC project (H2020)

Be part of the European Crowdsourcing Campaign for Public Transport!
Become an Organisation Ambassador of it!

Spread our message all over Europe:

“Your idea can move the world! Share your innovative idea!
Improve Public Transport in our cities!”

Support the dissemination of the campaign within your country, city and network and benefit from the intelligence of the crowd.


About the European Crowdsourcing Campaign for Public Transport:
The user-friendly platform is accessible through the following url: where citizens from all over Europe can submit their innovative ideas for public transport.

The submitted ideas will be disseminated, discussed, improved and evaluated by other users of the platform.

The best ideas, which will arise from users’ evaluation, as well as from a special committee in the field of transport, will be rewarded.

Why should you join us? How can you benefit from it?

Contribute to the improvement of the Public Transport sector
Co – shape with them the Public Transport of the Future
Identify new challenges that are expected to affect the Public Transport sector and attempt to address them using innovative concepts
Establish synergies with the contact network  of Ambassadors and CIPTEC Consortium members
Help us transform Public Transport as we know it and be at the forefront of the changing process
Gain acknowledgment by becoming an Ambassador of the Crowdsourcing Campaign (include yourself in the section of supporting organisations). You are welcome to send us your logo to be added to a special “Ambassadors” section on our website

How can you support the campaign?
You can use any dissemination way you consider more appropriate. Indicatively you may consider the following:

Inform your network – send them the press release by e-mail
Upload/share the crowdsourcing campaign’s poster on your social media pages etc.
Include the link to the platform in your website.
Set an example and share a good idea on the platform.

Please find attached useful dissemination material
You can use any dissemination way you consider more appropriate.
Press Release for the EU-wide crowdsourcing campaign.
Poster suitable for uploading on social media (in .jpg format).
Poster suitable for uploading on social media (in .pdf format).
Link to video to embed or share on your website/social media.

The frame:
This action is carried out in the frame of the CIVITAS CIPTEC project (title: ‘Collective Innovation for Public Transport in European Cities’), an EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation project.
The aim of CIPTEC project is the improvement of Public Transport in European cities, the increase of its attractiveness (preferably at the lowest possible cost) and therefore the reduction of congestion and the creation of a human - friendly urban environment, with “ideas provided by us, for us! Ideas that move the world!”.
For more information here:

Contact: prof. Aristotelis Naniopoulos, CIPTEC Coordinator, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, +30 2310 995765, email:
For more information here: