
D3.2: Crowdsourcing platform (M12)

D3.4: Summary reports for collective intelligence iniatives (crowdsourcing platform, co-creation/co-design workshops) (M20)

D4.1: Conjoint Analysis report (M21)

D3.5: Evaluation report for the Collective intelligence process’s output (M22)

D4.2: Lab experiments report (M25)

D4.3: Field experiments report (M29)

D5.1: “Toolbox for Public Transport Innovation” Guide (full version report) (M29)

D5.2: “Toolbox for Public Transport Innovation” Guide (short version report) (M30)

D5.3: “Toolbox for Public Transport Innovation” Guide (on-line Guide) (M30)

D6.1: Workshops’ preparation and design (M33)

D6.2: Workshops’ outcome report: social innovation innovation in PT and the overcoming of barriers (M34)

D6.3: “Model” Strategy reports of PT providers (M36)

D6.4: Policy recommendations (M36)