Analysis of market and social trends in Public Transport

CIPTEC (Collective Innovation for Public Transport in European cities) is a research and Innovation project of the EU Program Horizon 2020. Public Transport sector should adopt a modern marketing perspective, promoting creativity and innovation, with the aim of increasing significantly its modal share and attracting new customers at limited extra cost.

The Transport Authority of the MRDH plays a leading role in one of the main objectives of CIPTEC. It develops, in cooperation with the transport companies, a new vision on marketing for the public transport network. The transport companies are active in the development of the marketing strategy for the future.

The first Work Package (WP) is the basis of the project from which the results should be used in other work packages. WP 1 focuses on understanding firstly the current trends in society worldwide, and then investigating the needs of the involved parties. This way, CIPTEC will define the opportunities, and the potential solutions and concepts will emerge in the following WPs after taking also into account the trends and choosing the key points to address.

One of the main tasks of the first work package of CIPTEC project is to analyze the main market trends with a great impact on public transport. Market trends play an important role in the way different consumer groups define or adjust their behaviour. This task has the goal to give an overview of the important market trends that will influence the transport market and the consumers.

The MRDH is working hard on the first deliverable. The report contains an overview of the most important trends at global and/or European level which will have an impact on public transport.
The consortium has delivered input for this report.