Second co-creation workshop in Siena

The 2nd CIPTEC co-creation workshop was held in Siena, November 24th 2016 with the involvement of more 30 attends representing both the main stakeholders coming from the different citizens associations and the TIEMME staff and the Local Authority. The title of this second workshop “FROM LISTENING TO THE DIALOGUE” (in Italian “dall’ ascolto al dialogo”) stated the intention of TIEMME, based on  CIPTEC approach, to set a close  and continue dialogue” with the main city stakeholders  on the possible solutions and innovations  to be realized  for answering the  open mobility needs and  issues identified also in the first co-creation workshop (workshop “LET’S BUILD OUR TRIP TOGETHER” held in Siena on June 9th 2016).

This 2nd workshop were focused on: i) the validation of the feasibility of the innovative concepts discussed and fixed during the 1st CIPTEC co-creation workshop and during this 2nd event; ii) the assessment and prioritization of the
Co-created concepts emerged during these two workshops, iii) the on-line demonstration of the CIPTEC crowdsourcing platform (Italian version). The  approach/methodology adopted allowed to  have a deep  “dialogue” on the possible innovations related specifically to i) PT  network and service levels  offered by TIEMME and the margins for improving the related reliability; ii) quality and requirements for the Vehicles, overall accessibility; iii) role and potentials of the e-ticketing and user information.

The main  identified  innovation were related to the Flexible Transport services, overall Vehicle accessibility and virtual accessibility, integrated payment system and tool for monitoring and assessment of the provided PT service.

The workshop was attended by 28 participants including among the others, Association for people with disability, Environmental Association, Consumer organizations, Student organizations (University  and high schools), Hospital and University Mobility managers, Commuters committees.