First co-creation workshop in Rotterdam

The first co-creation workshop in Rotterdam, within the CIPTEC project, entitled: “Identification of new innovative ideas in the field of Public Transport” was held on 10th of October 2016, . The workshop was organized by MRDH and took place at the headquarters of one of the public transport operators.

The overall scope of the first co-creation workshop was to generate innovative ideas or concepts (services and products) that will enhance the quality, attractiveness, market share and experience of public transport use in the MRDH region.
The main aim of the workshop was to identify new innovations ideas in public transport.
The co-creation workshop was opened by the MRDH and the participants were welcomed. Then a presentation about the CIPTEC project was held. More than 25 participants from different backgrounds attended the CIPTEC workshop. To bring more interaction during the workshop the participants were first asked to go outside to interview people on the street about the public transport system and to see the public transport system in Rotterdam.


After the street interview the participants got to work and wrote down all the specific triggers and barriers why customers and potential customers did or did not use the public transport.

In the first round of the co-creation workshop, the participants worked in groups on gathering insights about the strengths and weaknesses of public transport. They got the opportunity to think of 3 concepts about the problems in public transport. The solutions were derived from their own knowledge, experience and they could also use the internet as an inspiration. Within the co creation session the brainstorming method was used to find solutions about problems in public transport. By using this method the participants illustrated the description of innovative solutions in writing important words down.


In the last round of the co-creation session the participants were asked to find solutions for the following four problems identified by the public transport authority and operators in the region Rotterdam-The Hague: speeding up travel time (fast boarding and getting of from the public transport modality), first and last mile (public transport takes care of a all parts of the journey), mobility as a service (arrange a trip with various forms of public transport), environment (convince people that this is a good reason to travel with public transport).
This round was implemented by using the conceptual mapping method. Within this conceptual mapping process the participants were bringing in creative ideas and concepts about the problems. This method was used to let the participants brainstorm about the problems and solutions and to identify relations and connections related to each other.
After the last co-creation round the participants were asked to choose their two best ideas and pitch those ideas to all participants. After the pitching each participant got three dots which they could use for voting on the best ideas. They could give all three dots to one or more ideas. The ideas would be further discussed and elaborated in the second workshop on 20 October 2016.

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These chosen ideas with the most votes were: (1) Mobility as a service, (2) City marketing from a PT perspective (3) Flexible subscriptions (flexible travel cards)