This survey seeks to find out what Europeans think about global trends and their relation with Public Transport. The results will be used to create the first CIPTEC poster. The survey is currently in progress and both experts and non-experts are invited to participate here. This survey, commissioned by AUTh, […]

Europe-wide survey on market and socio-economic trends and their influence ...

Crowdsourcing platform and eight workshops ready to launch. Stay tuned! One of CIPTEC’s main goals is to explore new thinking and solutions for improving Public Transport throughout Europe. This goal will be achieved through rigorous sourcing of stakeholders’ opinion in a bottom-up fashion. To this end, intensive crowdsourcing and co-creation […]

Collective Intelligence processes due to start in four cities

Analysis of Needs of public transport users
Task 1.3. Profiling of Public Transport Authorities & Operators Analysis of their Needs: Typologies and Parameters The general public expects collective transport in cities to  to be able to adapt to mobility needs that are connected to modern city life styles. Like other fields in society public transport is strongly impacted […]

Profiling of Public Transport Authorities & Operators

CIPTEC project will be presented in the next CIVITAS Forum Conference 2016 that will be hosted by the city of Gdynia, Poland, between 28th and 30th September 2016 with the theme “Shaping the Mobility of Tomorrow”. The CIVITAS initiative is a useful instrument for policy innovation, exploitable by projects, which […]

CIPTEC project consortium, a committed member of the CIVITAS ‘family’!

The report on deliverable 1.2 provides the project with an applicable passenger/customer classification, based upon an extensive review of existing literature on different ways of defining customer groups and their needs, both in PT and in other comparable sectors. According to the TCRP handbook on market segmentation in the PT […]

Passenger/Customer segmentation analysis

An interactive validation workshop on existing innovative supply and the 3rd CIPTEC project meeting will take place in Budapest on 11-13 of May 2016. This interactive validation workshop aims to disseminate the knowledge gained during the project to the public transport market and to get feedback on the results. During […]

CIPTEC Project Meeting and Interactive workshop on existing innovative supply ...

An EU level workshop with experts will take place in Brussels on 8th of June 2016. One of CIPTEC project’s main activities was the analysis of Public Transport customers’ groups and their needs per group. This analysis was conducted by means of rigorous and in-depth literature reviews of the different […]

EU level validation workshop of the findings for the Public ...

CIPTEC partners met in the Christmas-decorated city of Frankfurt, where Frankfurt’s Local Public Transport Authority, TraffiQ, hosted the second project meeting of CIPTEC from 25th until 27th of November. The CIPTEC project meeting was opened with the welcome speeches of TraffiQ’s CEO, Mr. Hans-Jörg v. Berlepsch, the Divisional Head of […]

CIPTEC partners met in Frankfurt

The second collective intelligence approach that will be deployed in the frame of CIPTEC is the co-creation workshop. The co-creation workshop refers to the collaboration and the active involvement of users and other significant stakeholders in the design process of a product or service. CIPTEC will apply this collective intelligence […]

Co-creation workshops in CIPTEC

One of the concepts that the collective intelligence term encompasses is the term of crowdsourcing. In CIPTEC we will utilise this form of collective intelligence to generate innovative ideas from different groups of individuals while at the same time stimulating dialogue and discussion among all parties involved in the public […]

Crowdsourcing in CIPTEC

CIPTEC (Collective Innovation for Public Transport in European cities) is a research and Innovation project of the EU Program Horizon 2020. Public Transport sector should adopt a modern marketing perspective, promoting creativity and innovation, with the aim of increasing significantly its modal share and attracting new customers at limited extra […]

Analysis of market and social trends in Public Transport